
Newborn Feeding Cues

Feeding for a newborn baby is like a dancing sequence where mom and dad see baby signaling that he is ready and responding by bringing baby close. Learn these cues and feedings go much smoother...

Why I love La Leche League

La Leche League is a group of breastfeeding mothers that support other breastfeeding mothers.  La Leche League is an international group with many local chapters all over the US.  They support breastfeeding mothers by phone, online, local facebook groups, and local meetings.  They provide women with encouragement, support, education, and a better understanding of what...

Latching is like eating a fully loaded hamburger.

Moms often state they stopped breastfeeding because they had trouble getting baby to latch onto the breast. This video helps Dad to understand the latch-on process so he can assist and encourage Mom to succeed in this basic skill...


  Weaning is whenever a baby starts eating food other than breastmilk or formula.  The WHO (World Health Organization) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of age and continued breastfeeding with complementary foods up to two years of age or more.  The AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) also recommends exclusively breastfeed for the...

The Very Best Advice

  New mothers are often bombarded with advice from everywhere.  Your mother, your sisters, your neighbor, everyone on the internet, your doctor, and even people you don’t know will give you advice on parenting.  Sometimes they can be conflicting and just leaves you confused. I am going to give you the very best advice that...